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Apple Lossless Codec
(24 bit, 44.1 Khz, better than CD quality)
Financial Aid: The Trials and Tribulations of the 21st Century College Student
Want to do more than just listen? Create your own mix.
Acapella Pack (sans instrumentals) 320 Kbps AAC - (Version 1.0)
The World Was Yours (Multitrack in AIFF) - 44.1 KHz/16 bit
For your listening pleasure...
Head High - production by Justin Kramer
Lolom Enlvers production by Stewart Villain
I Excel (Live Human Nature Remix) - production by Justin Kramer & Greg Gant
REALmatic is dedicated to and inspired by Nas' first album, Illmatic. It is an autobiography of my relationship to music, journalism, education and self. While firmly rooted in the ethos that made Illmatic, it stands a bridge between the hip hop that inspired me to today's soundscape.
- Tyree Harris
Vocals: Tyree Harris
Production: Justin Kramer (Juicebox Jackson), Greg Gant, Stewart Villain, Otto, MIG.
Recording & Mixing: Greg Gant w/ Assistance of Tyree Harris
Tyree Harris - Special Thanks: Zachary Taylor, a house full of dysfunctional roommates that changed my life, Parkrose High School, Melech, Casey Parks, Antione Simmons, Misha Waller, Reggie Johnson, Jordan Heath, James Dos Santos, the Oregon Daily Emerald, the Bronco Blaze, Nerissa Ediza, Maria Fuhrmann, AVG and everyone else who guided me through trying and rewarding times in life, demanding me to remain both proud and humble. This album is as much yours as it is mine.
Greg Gant - Special Thanks: Zachary Taylor, David Remington, every soul musician stole sampled, the 2008 recession, unemployment benefits, re-employment and insomnia.
Site Design: Greg Gant